6 compelling reasons to consider counselling

Article by Dee-Anne Doak, MACP/RCC

Have you been feeling irritable and frustrated? Tired and hopeless? Are you unsure of where to even start? It may be time to consider therapy with a certified counsellor – here are 6 great reasons why.

    Working with a counsellor can help you see though the mental fog that’s holding you back

    Why consider working with a counsellor?

    You’ve probably heard that working with a counsellor can be a great way to help promote your journey to a healthier, happier life. But you’re probably also wondering how?

    What can a certified counsellor bring to the table? How will going to therapy and working together help?

    To help answer those very common questions, I’ve put together a list of 6 different ways that I feel a counsellor makes a difference.

    #1: A counsellor is there just for you

    I am duty-bound to act on your behalf. Your wellbeing is always firmly in my mind, and helping you get through what you need to get through is my goal. I work for you, and you alone.

    #2: A counsellor doesn’t know you

    I don’t have any pre-existing notions about you. I don’t judge you. In fact, I don’t know anything about you that you don’t tell me – which means you get to start fresh. (By the way, I don’t research or look up clients up on social media, either.)

    #3: A counsellor doesn’t have an ulterior motive

    I don’t have a stake in the decisions you make, and won’t try to push you in any direction for my own gains. I want to see you succeed.

    #4: A counsellor acts as a sounding board

    You can safely tell me your ideas, and expect that I will provide balanced, non-judgemental feedback. Often just being able to comfortably speak your mind – something that many of us don’t have access to – can go a long way.

    #5: A counsellor provides perspective

    I am able to take in your conflicting thoughts and feelings, filter through them, and help put them into perspective. This helps you break free of racing thoughts so you can focus on what’s important.

    #6: A counsellor asks questions

    I will ask you a lot of questions, including things you don’t think of yourself. And that’s important, because – frankly – you’re probably too close to the issue.

    Of course these aren’t the only reasons to consider seeing a clinical counsellor. But I hope this list gives you an idea of what I can do to provide practical help.

    Counselling takes a multi-faceted approach to improving mental wellbeing

    Do your emotions have you feeling tangled up?

    As a certified counsellor, I am here to help you untangle your toughest thoughts and most powerful emotions.

      Set up a free phone call so we can talk about how to work together in a way that is comfortable and helpful for you.